Yan Orestes is an 18 years old brazilian Python developer and security enthusiast. He's worked as a teacher and takes education as a true passion on his life. Whenever he finds time, Yan ends up writing blog posts and essays and talking in conferences everywhere, following what he believes is most important in the world - sharing knowledge.

Cancelled Talks:

Understanding how a malware works using Python

Nowadays, security is one of the most important topics in the entire computing world, and indeed in the world in general, ranging from political aspects such as the virus that affected Iranian centrifuges to the more personal side such as your cousin who had their social network account invaded and never understood how it happened. But how does this all work? Is a malware so complicated to understand?

In this talk, we will discuss a bit about computer viruses (read - malware) and how they usually work and affect personal computers. We will learn programming and computing techniques and practices that support this type of program, and with that we will build our own Python malware, with several attacks, maintenance and defense features, such as:

  • Ensuring repeated malware execution
  • Running commands on the victim's computer
  • Keylogger and screen capture
  • Obtaining different types of data from the victim
  • Cheating the antivirus sandbox And more!

At the end of the talk, we'll discuss methods that we - as users - can protect ourselves from the dangers of malware. After all, are antiviruses really useful?

Leave this talk as a new hacker (or better, security specialist ;)) and pave the way for new experiences in development.

This talk is for everyone interested in both Python and security. For all the wannabe hackers and even more advanced security professionals. A bit of Python development experience is recommended, as I won't explain basic Python/programming concepts (such as classes and basic functions).

Hopefully, at the end of the talk, the audience will be a lot more familiarized on how malware (usually works) and how simple it is to create these "mystical" programs on a nice language such as Python.